來源: | 作者:pmt60cb40 | 發布時間: 2018-09-04 | 5787 次瀏覽 | 分享到:

China is becoming a semiconductor hub for academia, industry and market. However, young Chinese researchers, in particular students, lack the opportunity to attend IEEE conferences. International counterparts also wish to experience firsthand the fast-growing semiconductor sector in China. To this end, ICTA was founded by a group of Chinese scholars and will be held annually in China. It will be a broad yet advanced forum for IC designs, technologies and applications worldwide.


General Chair:

Feng Wu, USTC, China

TPC Co-Chairs:

Xiaoyan Gui, XJTU, China

Lin Cheng, USTC, China

Steering Committee Members:

Zhiyi Yu (Chair), Sun Yat-sen U., China

Dixian Zhao, Southeast U., China

Liyuan Liu, IS-CAS, China

Fujiang Lin, USTC, China

Zhihua Wang, Tsinghua, China

Nanjian Wu, IS-CAS, China

International Advisors:

Jan Van der Spiegel, IEEE SSCS, USA

Ke Wu, IEEE MTT-S, Canada


Geok Ing Ng, IEEE EDS, Singapore

Giovanni Demicheli, EPFL, Switzerland

Yann Deval, U. Bordeaux, France

R. Bogdan Staszewski, UCD, Ireland

Boon S. Ooi, KAUST, Saudi Arabia

Hoi-Jun Yoo, KAIST, Korea

Makoto Ikeda, U. of Tokyo. Japan

Local Arrangement Chair:

Yizhe Hu, USTC, China

Invited Program Chair:

Haiding Sun, USTC, China

Tutorial Chair:

Yan Lu, U. Macau, China

Keynote Speakers Chair:

Bo Zhao, ZJU, China

Industry Papers Chair:

Dan Li,  XJTU, China

Student Papers Chair:

Hongbin Sun, XJTU, China

Xian Tang, Tsinghua, China

Program/Sessions Chair:

Weiwei Shan, Southeast U., China

Awards Committee Chair:

Zheng Wang, UESTC, China

Publication/Booklet Chair:

Ying Zhang, BJAST, China

Website Chair:

Qing Wu, BIE, China

Finance Chair:

Xiaohan Zhang, BIE, China

Sponsorship/Exhibition Chair

Weiwei Shan, Southeast U., China

Conference Secretariat:

Fanfang Zeng, BIE, China

Tel:  +86-1-66026729

Tianye Jin, BIE, China

Tel:  +86-1-66024492

Jiayue Zhang, BIE,China
